ADINDA|poems . stories . fashion

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Hello, it’s me!

  • May 18, 2016 4:14 pm

Me, with my rbf.

Hi readers!

First of all, I wanna say sorry because I haven’t introduce myself in this blog. Because I think it’s necessary for you guys to know more about me, cause this is my blog, duh? Jk. Soooo let’s begin, better late than never right?;)

I’m Adinda Pradnya Paramitha, I’m a (soon-to-be) 20 year old woman, whoah I’m old. I’m currently studying Management and Business at Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada. People often confuse me with their “where are you come from?” question, but I think I can say that I’m from Yogyakarta now because I’ve been living here for like approximately 10 years. The other 10 years of my life were spent in Balikpapan, those are the best days of my life. Anyone related? Haha.

Passion? Hobby? I prefer food and eating. I really loooove FOOD. People would jump out curiosity when they knew that I ate a lot. Literally, a LOT. Cause my body doesn’t say so. I ate a lot but I cant get fat, i dont know why. 🙁 but yea, I love my body though society keeps telling me I’m way too skinny whatsoever. I dont really care, I just love myself. You should learn to love yourself too, readers!

Maybe that’s all for my introduction, if you want to know me more just email me at . Bye, love ya!<3